Word of the Week #3
Man, Cyril just played an amazing hemidemisemiquaver!
hemidemisemiquaver (noun)
1. A musical note played for 1/64 of the duration of a whole note. Also known as a sixty-fourth note.
Write Gooder, not Better
by Demeter · March 5, 2013
Tags: word of the week
It looks like someone was trying to say a word and then got confused and said the beginning of a lot of other words and then went ‘Quaver’
Sort of like when my Nana forgets who she’s talking to and goes through all the names – ‘MaDavMicHelKatRebecca’
Also…you totally just picked this because it has ‘demi’ in it.
I love that the words hemi, demi and semi are all used to mean “half”! That’s such an efficient use of language…